Sunday, January 18, 2009

my week...........

i blogged earlier about being alone for the week. well I survived lol but it was a challenge. i woke up Monday with the worse migrain i have ever had. I could not lift my head lift my head off the pillow. I ended up calling a babysitter and a friend to help me get the kids from school. Thank you Sarah, Lori and Audrey. i was really hoping to feel better on tuesday but I felt worse. i called another friend(Thanks Becky) to help get the kids to school and then called the Doctor. I got an appiontment that afternoon and worked up the strength to go. I was given imitrex and it did help take the edge off a so i could get dinner and a couple things done but I really was not feeling well. i shut off all the lights and tvs and turned on the worship at 8pm and we all crawled in my bed and took a good nights rest. (at least the kids did)I decided to keep Noah and Kelsey home with me on Wednesday since i still did not feel good. My mom came and helped and i also went to the chiropractor and that really made a world of difference to. I was able to go to youth. although that was loud and I underestimated how good i felt by th time it was all over I went home and crashed. wow what a week so far. my mom and I had good time on thursday even though i was still very weak. I was able to get the kids home and clean up the house. I was really excited just to go to Bible Study. and to my surprise Terry came home Thursday Night!!!!!!!!!!!!